- Redesigned existing core Empire screen for localization and improved game play- Before and After along with the Tooltips and user story
- Redesigned Store for localization, ease of use, and improved marketing and monetization opportunities- Before and After
- Redesigned player inventory and statistics screen for localization and improved game play- Before and
- CEO of company referred to my work as "a breath of fresh air" and can give references, along with our executive
Puzzle Pals
- Worked with senior game designer, producer, and art director to create a complete user interface for a new Facebook
game, Puzzle
Pals. Puzzle Pals was designed to be an interactive, multi-player jigsaw puzzle game which allowed players to
collaboratively work on their
own puzzle, friends' puzzles, and a giant, many player MegaPuzzle - complete
wireframes [pdf] and selected user stories 1 [pdf] and 2
[pdf]. More examples from this project are available for electronic review.
Information Architecture
National Law
Enforcement Officer's Memorial Fund
- Redesigned cluttered, existing site - even site's owners
did not know how much
or what kind of content they had.
- Redesign goals: Put site into Convio's CMS, improve and make navigation
consistent throughout site, identify
and organize
all existing content into logical categories, and highlight mission and efforts of NLEOMF to honor fallen officers
Dell's Go Bigger Tool
- Redesigned and revamped existing Flash tool's architecture
from the ground up, creating a totally new, improved customer experience - sample
wireframes [pdf]
- Redesign goals: Improve sales of widescreen and dual
monitors and educate consumers about product benefits before purchase
- Client referred to this as "some of the best work T3 has
ever done for Dell!"
Universal Studio's Script Your Trip
- Created information architecture and user process flow for
multimedia experience, generating a custom movie for vacationers interested in visiting Universal theme parks - wireframes, user
process flow, and documentation for site builders available for in-person review
- Client wanted to create a fun, viral experience that would
improve customer data collection, generate leads, and help plan vacations
UPS Global Trade
- Redesigned architecture, nomenclature and navigation,
working within UPS style and template guidelines and existing site
- Reviewed all content and suggested streamlining and
Orlando Flexticket
- Redesign of previous site
- Did heuristic analysis of site usability
- Created new information architecture and user process flow
- sample wireframes [pdf]
- Redesign goals: improved navigation, branding, and
scalability for additional content and new parks
UTOPIA Redesign (site no
longer live)
- Created usable, navigable information architecture for
index and four levels of sub-pages, working with designers, site builders, and programmers
- Created and conducted card sorts, tests of prototypes and
task-based usability and accessibility reviews
- Redesign goals: improved navigation, taxonomy, branding,
accessibility and use of CSS layout
- Site statistics: 200,000 unique sessions per month
Study of the Spanish-Speaking People of Texas
- Created information architecture and site nomenclature
- Catalogued and managed all site assets
- Edited content for grammar, spelling, and style
- Managed project and coordinated project process flow with
clients and other internal technical staff
- Clients got an additional grant and a book deal as a result
of this site's success!
Texas Architecture: A Visual History
- Created information architecture and site nomenclature
- Catalogued and managed all site assets
- Managed project and coordinated project process flow with
clients and other internal technical staff
- Designed a gallery viewer and special search results page
to accomodate image-intensive site
The Barbara Jordan Historical Essay
- Complete redesign of previous site
- Created information architecture and site nomenclature -
sample page template wireframe [jpg]
- Catalogued and managed all site assets (photographs,
essays, and videos)
- Coordinated project process flow with clients and other
internal technical staff (designer, site builders, programmers, and videographers)
Musicians Off The Record
- Created information architecture and site nomenclature
- Catalogued and managed extensive, constantly-changing site
- Coordinated project process flow with clients and other
internal technical staff (designer, site builders, programmers, and videographers)
Wildflowers of Texas
- Corrected information architecture and site nomenclature so
project could be brought to completion
- Coordinated project process flow with clients and other
internal technical staff (designer, site builders, programmers, and videographers)